Thursday, September 2, 2010

day 1

so i decided that i didnt know what i was doing with my life anymore
so i decided to join the army!
so i've decided a lot of new things in my life and decided that i like change
i feel like ive decided to do a lot of new things and now i just have to do them, im committed so there's no backing out now!
im excited anyways so its not like i want to back out
i thought my career as a baker/pastry chef was going to go far and i was gonna do great things with that and it ended up just leaving me with a bunch of burns on my arms and some really strange experiences, overall, it was a learning experience just like i can say about anything that happens to me in life.
for the next two months i am living in the cities with my mother, not working, not really knowing what i want to do...
im going to do something new everyday and work on my physical fitness and getting in shape before basic training
took a nice stroll around lake calhoun today and picked up a few things at the whole foods market, cleaned the ENTIRE kitchen, and going to have some good coffee at caribou!
we'll see what tomorrow brings, gotta find a good gym!
here i go... :)

1 comment:

  1. Haley!!!
    This is awesome! I love your blog . . .and will look forward to following it! AND . . .I LOVE YOU!!!
